Challenge Kensington & Chelsea wanted a behavioural change campaign that would help reduce the number of casualties and accidents effecting 2-wheel road users in the borough
Solution A campaign was developed that played upon the idea that road users only behave in an aggressive and thoughtless manner in London because they felt that they were anonymous. To engage the audience we flipped the captions so that 'Your Mother' ran across the image of White Van Man, Your Granny across Male Cyclist and so on. The campaign ran across bus backs and bus stops and the launch campaign url was projected onto Trellick Tower for a week, where a quirky film that had a clever circular loop story and quickly went viral.
Result Total number of casualties in 2014 compared to 2013 RBKC Cyclists -5% Inner London Cyclists +13% RBKC Motorcyclists -7% Inner London Motorcyclists +7%
Services provided Campaign Strategy, Campaign Identity. Art Direction, Film Direction, Social Media Strategy